Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Playstation Move

So earlier today when I started planning out this blog I knew I was going to receive comments referring to me as a hypocrite due to my hatred of motion controls. I will explain why I decided to purchase Move and what differences there are in Move that I didn't feel were in the Wii.

I already own the camera so it shouldn't be that expensive right? This is what I was thinking before I went out and picked up Move. I was very very wrong in this assumption. There are a lot of parts to Move. You have your Move remote($50), your navigation remote($30), the Playstation Eye($30), and if you want the full experience you need an additional Move remote...and that doesn't include any games unless you have one of the few games already out that support Move. I am not interested in playing Resident Evil 5 with Move and I don't care and will never care about S.O.C.O.M so instantly I knew I didn't need the navigation remote as of right now. The only game out that I really wanted was Sports Champions($40), Sony's answer to Wii Sports. I only wanted Sports Champions due to Disc Golf being on it. I am an avid Disc Golf player in real life so there was no way I was missing out on a claimed 1 to 1 experience. Upon getting everything set up, the cord for the eye being the worst part, I realized I was going to need to move some things around the room. Move doesn't work the same way as the Wii. The Wii follows the Wiimote similar to a laser pointer. Move follows the light on the top on the controller and the camera to map out where your body is. It will actually follow you if you move towards or away from the camera. I have been told Wii Motion Plus does something similar to this but more along the lines of how an Ipod knows which way you are holding it.

Sports Champions comes with 6 games: Bocce, Disc Golf, Archery, Gladiator, Beach Volleyball, and Table Tennis. Beach Volleyball is not at all fun in my opinion so I won't mention it at all. Archery does really work and it is kind of neat using 2 remotes to simulate pulling an arrow out of your quiver. Gladiator I have not had any issues with and I find it fun in small doses. Table tennis I had the most issues with due to limited room to play. You actually have to move everywhere in this one. Bocce and Disc Golf are by far my favorites on the game and I would buy full fledged versions of these games if they decided to make them. Bocce is very similar to a bigger game of marbles. The goal is to throw out a small ball and then get larger balls as close to the small one as possible. It is very fun with the motion controls. Disc Golf...aka...the only reason I wanted any of this, has met all of my expectations. The controls are almost spot on with real life and I only had issues with fore-hand throws. The courses on all the games are fairly limited so hopefully we will have some DLC courses.

Overall the game plays well for the most part. The characters are bland and unimaginative and a create your own would have worked well. I can't let this bring the game down because to be honest I don't like any of the 3 systems avatar systems. They are all kind of creepy and I promise all 3 systems sports games will feature art similar to their avatars. As far as a launch titles goes it is decent enough and shows off the hardware well.

As far as motion controls go I hate the Wii due to it not working correctly and a lot of people have told me motion plus fixes that but to me the Move tech and Wii tech are different. The Wii is a glorified pointer while Move uses the camera to map where you are. I can understand people hating Sony for "imitating" Nintendo but they didn't just copy the tech. They changed and improved on the idea of motion controls. Neither of them are perfect by any means but I see progress in Move. I got it because to me it's progress. It isn't a knockoff.

As far as other games go that are either compatible or came out I have tried a few. The girl and I tried out Eyepet and she seemed to enjoy it but I got bored after about 35 seconds. We also tried the building game Tumble and had some fun with the demo. Tumble may be worth the $10 price tag. Hustle Kings, from one of my first reviews on the blog, got a compatibility patch and can now be played with Move. It does work but I would much rather use the controller for it. High Velocity Bowling is another game that got a patch but as of right now it is a Playstation Plus exclusive.

Overall I am happy with my purchase. As of right now there isn't a whole lot out there for anyone but families and tech nerds but the tech works well and I do think that once they start supporting it it will do well. Sorcery is one game I can think of that seems to be doing what needs to be done with motion games.

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