Thursday, June 17, 2010

E3 2010 Day 3

The latest videos I have watched are all spotlighting games off the floor now since the main conferences are over. I will sift through all the footage and compile my day 3 list.

Rage - Id Software's new title and for once they decide to do an outdoor game. It is an FPS Post-Apocalyptic game ala Borderlands and Fallout 3. The graphics are absolutely beautiful and the frame rate appears very very smooth. I am doubly impressed that it's running on an Xbox 360 and not a PS3. The game to me looks a lot like Fallout 3 and Borderlands with a different art style. I keep hearing that it isn't like Fallout 3 but in all honesty it's Id Software and Bethesda. Last word on this though is that it looks great and I look forward to hearing and seeing more. Sometime in 2011 Release

Star Wars the Force Unleashed 2 - Holy crap. The intro of the video alone was amazing watching Starkiller destroy Tie Fighters as he falls through the air. I was disappointed with the first game and some of the glitches but so far this one looks amazing and I can't wait to see more on this one and hopefully it's a bit better than the last one. Oct. 26 Release

True Crime - Was never a big fan of the early games but the combat kind of makes me curious as to where this one will go. Will have to wait to make an opinion on this one.

Gears of War 3 - One more reason for me to want it...Beast Mode. Online multiplayer where you get to play as all the Locust creatures...Holy Shit. April 8 2011 Release Date.

Rock Band 3 - Not just a new keyboard. The new guitar features strings and the fret board is entirely made of buttons to simulate a real guitar. Wow. The Doors and Queen as well. Holiday 2010

Brink - Looks like Mirror's Edge meets Unreal Tournament. Free-running similar to Mirror's Edge but class style FPS. Once again Bethesda. It also looks like it has a bit of Team Fortress 2 in it. I am very excited about this game. Keep an eye on it. Spring 2011 Release Date

Devil's Third - New game from Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden creator. It looks like Ninja Gaiden with swords and guns. It looks great so far and I'm looking forward to it.

That's what I saw today. I will watch tomorrow as well and see what else I can find.

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