Monday, April 5, 2010

What's wrong with a dpad and some buttons?

While recently talking with my significant other we began conversing about motion controls for our games. As you already may know Microsoft has Natal, Nintendo has the Wii, and Sony has Move. We both had come to a more motion control. Nintendo, please stop doing this. Most of the people I know cannot stand motion control and would rather just use a regular controller. Microsoft and Sony, stop following suit. Just because Nintendo did it does not mean you have to. Nintendo makes money off of their well-known franchise games not the game's control. If you look into the history of the Wii can you not see the error in your ways...I have 2 words...RED STEEL.

I don't understand why people want more motion control in their games. I love fighting games but I can't play a Wii fighting game for more than 10 minutes without wearing myself out and I am only 24. There really is no reason other than bowling in your living room to warrant motion controls. Everything I have seen from Sony has been less than remarkable. Microsoft has shown shovel-ware and Nintendo has constantly upgraded a broken control scheme. I don't want to have to crouch in my house to simulate crouching in a game. That is completely inane and there is seriously no point behind it. Will it make money? Come on, Rock Revolution made money. Do you want to know why? Because grandparents and parents don't understand the difference between essential and complete money making garbage.

From a business stand point I can see the reason behind releasing these items but from a gamer's viewpoint there is no reason why I should have to flail my arm every time I see an enemy. I would rather press a button and not have lag, and I don't believe your 1 to 1 Sony, and I would also rather sit and press a directional pad to go into a direction and not have to actually walk. I'm sorry and I'm not saying I'm lazy, I mean after the housework and running errands you know, but I play video games to relax not to injure myself and my TV. That's about what I have to say about it. My rant isn't going to stop it but maybe if more people realize they aren't alone in preferring their controller then maybe someone will finally realize waggle should not exist.

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