So this is a blog that I've planned for a minute and have had some talks with a few of my friends about over the past few days or so. Company loyalty in video games is always a big talk and during you hear EA or Activision, Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft and so on and so forth. When I talk about it however I'm going to bring up Nintendo and Square Enix. Recently my g/f went through all her Nintendo games and snagged the Club Nintendo codes off and entered them on Nintendo's site. In just registering products she has had for some time and that have all been paid for she accrued coins, the Club Nintendo currency, and in turn gained a platinum status on the site and earning enough coins to trade in for 3 exclusive Zelda posters and 3 exclusive Mario posters. On top of that because she is a platinum member when Nintendo reveals its end of the year prizes she receives those as well. Now as far as Square Enix goes I am a member on their site and they have a similar set up. I registered Final Fantasy XIII and in turn accrued enough points on their site to gain exclusive postcards featuring scenes from some of their games.
I'm going to point out while these are not necessary at all to determine me buying a game I just wanted to point out how nice it is to see some game companies rewarding company loyalty. I don't consider it buying out the customer because as I said it no where near pays off any games I have purchased but it is a nice little incentive for people who have remained faithful to a certain game company through the years.
As far as Club Nintendo goes the prizes range from an 80 coin WiiWare game to a 800 coin Game and Watch collection for the DS. On Square's site you have from the postcards I mentioned all the way up to custom Ipods. It's nice to finally see some of the game companies giving a little extra for spending money on their product. It makes me glad to be a gamer and receive bonuses such as these. I may not be getting the Square Ipod anytime soon but it's neat to know that there is something out there like that for gamers. I posted the links below and if you have any of their games check them out...maybe you can get a little something for playing.
Club Nintendo
Square Enix
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